Sunday, February 23, 2014

Funny Looking Watches

Cheap China products can look very funny. The cheaper, the poorer the quality. Here are funny-looking watches that are just annoyingly NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. Such a waste of materials, time and labor.
Hello Kitty knock off with colors that are just off.

Another Hello Kitty knock off that looks so fake.

Don’t even know who this character’s supposed to be.

I don’t even know why people bother with this. Plus, many people rely on mobile phones or other devices when it comes to telling time. These watches are such a waste. No wonder our resources are greatly lessening year after year while consumption increases because of the population increase. Don’t even make me go there.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Celebrity Fitness Trainers

You want to work out with celebrity fitness trainers for free? Youtube can let you do that! Thank you Internet and you can work out almost anywhere at any time.

Workout with Heidi & Chris Powell , 12 minute Crossfit exercise training program from home

Fat Burning Treadmill Drills Taught by Celebrity Fitness Trainer Donovan Green as seen on Dr. Oz T.V

Celebrity Fitness Trainer - MJ The Body Mechanic - Los Angeles, Ca

Go ahead and get fit! You deserve it!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

How To Pack Lightly

Apart from packing smaller versions of your stuff (smaller toothbrush, smaller toothpaste, shampoo sachet, etc), how else can you pack lightly? Here are my tips for you.

First, roll your folded shirts, skirts, pants, and other clothing instead of just piling them onto your bag. It saves up space and it doesn’t wrinkle your clothes.

Plan your outfit. If you’ll be leaving for 3-days then plan your outfit so that you can decide what pair of shoes to wear that will match your 3 outfits (including the one you’ll be wearing when you leave).

Share chargers with your travel buddy. If you share the same phone models/brands, assign one to bring the charger and one to bring the dock speakers or waterproof gadget bags. Learn to work together in order to have lighter loads.

Invest in a lightweight yet sturdy travel bag. You won’t feel so weighed down by all your stuff.