Friday, August 16, 2013

The best of both worlds

A place that has everything that one needs is truly a diamond in the rough. That is what I felt when I came upon a true gem called Bellefort Estates in Pro-Friends  while lollygagging around chatting with friends, trolling walls posts and overall doing nothing but soaking myself up in Facebook time during a very lazy, very rainy Sunday afternoon. I got enticed by what I read on the description. They said that Bellefort Estates sits on a naturally hilly terrain that provides a cool refreshing breeze while at the same time you are in close proximity to a soon would-be developed commercial and Business Park. This is exactly what we wanted! I exclaimed after giving my wife who was sitting right next to me a light tap on her right shoulder while she was also busy Facebook Walling her Sunday leisure afternoon time away.

We are a couple who are just starting out to build a family. We currently a have three year old and growing oh-so-fast baby boy. The place that we currently live in is a rented out condo located conveniently near our office (both me and my wife are working for the same company). It is so conveniently near that it only takes 15 minutes of brisk walking to get to our office from our condo. Given that situation, it is easy to construe that we are comfortably settled in our little 2 bedroom unit. We actually are comfortable with that set-up and probably would not want it to change had we not have been thinking of our future. Thoughts like, what’s going to happen to us if we do not own our own house in the future and that the rent that we are paying every month is being wasted away and is not working to our advantage. The latter thought weighs more on our scale of concerns than the other one. We were thinking what if the money that goes to our rent every month is instead allocated to a monthly home mortgage payment. It would be much smarter to do it that way. 

I being the man of the house finally decided that pondering and thinking about it alone is not going to bring about our dreams into fruition. That action on our part is required to have it realized. So that is what we did. We took action. We started off by initiating a conversation with a Profriends representative via chat. We did not get all the information we need from the chat conversation because we knew that this type of transaction requires more than a chat communication. The Profriends chat representative provided us a phone number that we could call. It was the direct phone number for one of their real estate agents who will assist us with the nitty-gritty like the tripping schedule, documentation and other requirements. We quickly arranged for a tripping schedule and set on to see the beautiful Bellefort Estates. My description of it is that it is like you are living in Tagaytay and Manila at the same time. You get the cool breeze while you are located still close to the city. We are set to move in several months from now and I can hardly wait for that moment to come.    

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