Tuesday, December 4, 2012

New laptop from Lazada Philippines- A Review

I have wanted to replace my old laptop for a while now. Since I started staying in a dorm, I would always have to bring my laptop back and forth. The chaos got to me eventually and one day, I saw my laptop’s screen with a small crack on the lower left. As each day passed, the crack would get bigger.
 It was only up until it was already covering almost half of my screen that I decided to tell my parents about it. In reality, they can’t really blame me for it. My mom is the one who constantly nags me about leaving my valuables in the dorm unattended. Because of her paranoia, I would be forced to take with me my laptop everywhere ago regardless if I was going to use it or not. It did not help at all that my dad installed a third lock on top of the double locks that came with the dorm when I moved in. Only time would tell then when my laptop or any gadgets of mine for that matter not meant for regular travel would die on me. As expected, my mom and dad freaked at the site of my damaged laptop. It took them a while to realize it was their very house rules that put me in such predicament. I couldn’t just bring up my dire need for a new laptop with the incident so fresh. I had to endure a few more days of thesis-making by hand before the stars aligned in my favor. For some reason, my parents thought I just didn’t want one because I never brought it up. They said they were willing as long as I promise to become more careful handling my valuables. My jaw literally dropped when I heard them say that. I tortured myself for nothing. I needed the new laptop ASAP and because I moved around so often, I rarely had the free time to attend to my own need so I was never able to go to the mall to find myself a laptop. I opted to buy online just because it sounds a lot more practical nowadays. My friends have been doing it and it’s about time I get with the time. I bought a Sony Vaio E Series laptop from Lazada Philippines. I heard about it at first through the radio and after that, every site I’d visit would have an ad about it. I have been informed before I ordered about their free delivery so it was actually one of things that made me decide to buy from Lazada. I got it sent to my dorm here in Taft Avenue. I didn’t want to hassle myself picking it up from my house anymore and besides, my parents and I came to a decision that my new laptop would stay in my dorm. They would get my old laptop fixed and that would serve as my house computer. I’m actually using my new laptop now and I have to say, I am obsessed with it.

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