Sunday, August 5, 2012

Rainy Season Means Rain Gears

It’s not a very good season for some Filipinos presently as weather frequently changes and a series of storm, low or high pressure air has been going in and out of the country. Flooded streets and wet pavements, heavy rain and the difficulty to get a convenient transportation –this is why we need rain gears! Unfortunately, mine got broken. My one and only trusty yellow-and-green clover leaves decorated umbrella I bought early last year. Now that I’m working and it’s raining much frequent than it should be, its loss causes me great inconvenience especially near our place where flood is just around the corner. If it rains for an hour or two our street near the municipal hall gets easily flooded which causes traffic. It sucks.

Plus, it’s kind of a hassle to bring a non-waterproof jacket because when it gets wet it gets heavy and adds up to my load so this payday I’ll surely buy a new umbrella and if I can still afford, a jacket.(I saw great looking and cheap stuff from Cabelas which you can see here by the way.)

To give you a visual of what I’m talking about here’s a video where you’ll see our municipal hall flooded:

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