Friday, November 15, 2013

How Lazada enabled local-commerce to get off the ground

A lot of positive things have transpired in the local e-commerce industry, There have been a lot of things going on and all of them are primarily attributed to the online shopping company called Lazada Philippines  which is almost always a company name that is getting dropped whenever there are talks and conversations about local online shopping and the state of e-commerce. What is e-commerce by the way an why there is so much fuss about it in the business world both here and abroad. We are going through some quick definitions of e-commerce so that we get a quick inkling of what it is, how it affects us and our economy and the overall quality of our lives. A lot of research and study has been conducted by various academic institutions and private individuals about e-commerce. Among the explanations and definitions that they came up with was that e-commerce is the operations, processing and technology that takes place when business transactions or interactions are done in an automated manner through networks using information technology or the internet as the primary vehicle to make the business transactions happen. Another business organization and trade association categorizes and defines e-commerce as the creation, production, marketing, distribution, sale or exchange of goods, products and services through electronic means. E-commerce is simply the business of the future and the future is now. It has been widely hailed as one of the largest technological and business innovation to dawn in human society. It is slowly but surely capturing rising markets as it progresses and it is slowly dominating all economies including the developed ones.  Economies on developing nations that has been thought of as antiquated or unprogressive for e-commerce are now assuming it as a natural way to do business transactions. The popularity of e-commerce can be attributed to the improvement in telecommunications infrastructure and spread of internet service providers over the years that offers cheap, inexpensive connection to the internet. The fast development of of gadgets that enables internet connection easily also added to the widespread popularity of the internet resulting to consumers being   inclined to try out new things that comes with the internet revolution, among them e-commerce and online shopping. The online shopping website Lazada Philippines affected the local e-commerce economy positively and we will examine how the company did it.

-The company peddles goods and products that are categorized as hard goods. There are no services and other stuff that can’t be placed inside a box and packaged. That is why the company is classified as an online retailer which is a new thing in local e-commerce that has been steeped in the online marketplace style of shopping.
-There is no physical location or what other call shop. Everything is done online with the exception of the payment which in Lazada can be done through cash.
-Offer convenience, varied selection of goods and services as well as very competitive pricing.
The positive things that Lazada offers contributed to the increased participation of consumers in online shopping and attracts even more market segments.

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