Sunday, November 10, 2013

LazadaPH Review: The Unbeatable Online Retail store

One online shopping website that is predicted to be on the top of the rankings for the year when it comes to e-commerce performance is the Philippines online shopping mall Lazada   This online retail store gave me my first taste of standard online retail shopping which is not that popular in the country due to the dominance of buy and sell websites. The company broke my online shopping cherry so to speak when it comes to what a lot of people or online shopping fanatics would call amazon type of online shopping. I am making references to the popular online shopping website of course.

I am just trying to reiterate the distinction between the online retail store concept of online shopping versus the buy and sell one since a lot of people especially in the local  online shopping market tend to lump the two together under just one category which is e-commerce or online shopping, it is like people and a lot of consumers readily assume that if they bought something online then it is called online shopping, well it is technically true to some degree if you are going to put it literally but there are still those subtle differences that sets the two types of online shopping apart. And what are the differences? You might ask, well there is a whole wide world of differences and the comparison is going to be like apples and oranges, I am not going to go to the extremes of using two totally opposite analogies like black or white, good and evil, hot cold because the things that I am comparing or rather the ideas that I am comparing are not that extremely worlds apart They are still of the same kind but just some considerable differences.

Online retail type of shopping is done by online retail store, the store sells the product and consumers deal with the company directly. One great example of course is the online shopping website, the other one, the buy and sell website, from the term itself buy and sell, there are a lot of people involved in the process or rather the items are not directly coming from the website creator or owner but they just provide the platform where the members of the website can sell or post a want add for a specific item that they are looking to buy. That set-up works great but if you are after the convenience of having an item delivered to your doorstep hassle-free then your best pick would be to go with an online retail store just like Lazada Philippines.  This company is one of the originators of this retail type of online shopping and one of the best to ever exist in the local market primarily due to the wide variety of options that they offer and the high level of customer service that they provide to their customers. Plus the website is absolutely accessible anytime and anywhere through their mobile applications and payment is very easy because of the multiple payment methods they offer that makes them a truly unbeatable online retail store.

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