Sunday, November 24, 2013

Not-So-Great Live Music Performances

Recently, American singer-songwriter Lana Del Rey received criticism from many people due to her live performance of “Video Games” on the famous comedy skit show “Saturday Night Live.” Personally, I don’t dislike Lana Del Rey nor fancy her but the live performance she did was indeed a flop for me. I guess that was her musical style as a singer but it was still different and quite far off from the recorded version of her song. Not to sound negative here but I just think that the best singers must sound better live or at least sound as great as their records.
Aside from Lana Del Rey, a couple of artists have not fared well during their live performances so Lana should not feel so bad… I guess? Anyway, here are some live performances that had people wanting for “stop” instead of “more”.

The famous Whitney Houston (R.I.P.) could not reach the same stellar heights of her voice during the hype of her career. In this video, the old Whitney was compared to the recent Whitney in 2010 when she sang I Will Always Love You.

Britney Spears also had her share of unstellar moments. One was her performance during the MTV Awards in 2007. She looked unprepared and awkward.

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