Friday, November 15, 2013

Lazada Philippines Review: This kind of success did not just happen overnight

Looking for information online (where else would one look for information these days but the internet) and trying to get hold of some information about ‘s parent company is a task and tour of wonder.  An enlightening process and very educational, looking at the numbers that the giant internet company Rocket Internet pours in, I could not help but gawk at the truly staggering figures staring at me whether it is on a blog, a review site or on the official home page itself. What did I find about them? Based on my little research about this amazing online venture building company, I found out that Rocket Internet has been doing what they are doing right now for more than a decade which only means that they are experts and veterans in the field of internet business incubation. But that leads to another question, what is Rocket Internet ? What is that thing that they do that makes them the most relevant business entity in the internet universe (if you prefer to call it like that instead of the cliché world wide web or net) Just to give you a quick at a glance look and some kind of profound inkling about the concept that envelopes this company, I am going to drop in some essential rocket-internet knowledge so you get you daily dose of brain crunching and cerebellum flexing information.  Rocket Internet is an online start up incubator conceptualized, founded and brought to staggering and dizzying heights of success by the Samwer Brothers of Germany.

The main business model that they currently employ and that they would probably employ in the succeeding years revolves around the concept of finding out what the latest and best e-commerce ideas are (usually internet companies coming from the United States, Canada and other developed first world economies) and having that idea resurface somewhere else like in another country as an e-commerce company or online shopping business entity like Lazada Philippines. The apt term and actually the official term for that kind of process is cloning hence the Rocket-Internet nickname or moniker clone factory that was unofficially coined by people in the technology community.  That term cloning might induce images of dolly the sheep which is the first mammal to be cloned from an adult somatic cell (now that is some serious sounding stuff right) I know that is kind of whacked out to use that as an analogy but can’t help it because of the term cloning. Anyway, that is what the company Rocket-Internet is doing and has been doing for more than 10 years and they have been very god at it.

You want proof? Just look at the numbers that they have churned out over the years, over 100 portfolio companies created and successfully exited, 25 offices strewn across the world and almost 17000 strong manpower including those that are employed at the main headquarters in Germany.  Now you are aware that the kind of success Lazada is enjoying right now did not just happen overnight.

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