Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Lazada dusts the competition

Our favorite store this side of the internet (don’t be surprised if I am already talking like I have lived most of my life in this information super realm called the world wide web it is just that I don’t have any choice but feel that way because I am on the internet every waking hour for the past two years of my life) lazada.com.ph has been making a huge killing in this online retail business. This company is an online retail beast that simply dominates and dusts whatever competition there is.  Being up there and having a taste of lingering success is what the company was built for. It is its natural predisposition and the natural way direction to go to and no one can probably steer them off that shining path to Asgard. Ok what does Asgard have to do about it, pardon me because I still got some Thor bug swimming down my bloodstream and found its way up my cranium.

The growth and progress that Lazada enjoyed for the almost over a year of their existence can’t be just simply attributed to predisposition or inadvertent luck (if there is even such a thing, well think about it, luck is really inadvertent isn’t it if it’s going to be there it’s going to bet there it does not matter what the circumstances are) or even the law of attraction. It is something more special, a company that provides top notch start-up support and incubation resources. The company that I am talking about that is behind this huge gargantuan success and profit being enjoyed by Lazada is the online venture builder Rocket-Internet. Rocket-Internet builds internet businesses, e-commerce websites to be more specific. But they don’t just build internet businesses for their own. They build it so that they could exit it and let it stand up on its own eventually and that is the company’s main expertise. To guide start-up companies through the rough start-up times which is the first two years of a business. You could see the effectiveness of their incubation method through Lazada’s success during the first year of its sales operations.

The company even hit one million sales which is something that a start-up that did not commission any business incubation program would never achieve. Business incubators like Rocket-Internet are also present in other sectors of business and commerce and not just in the internet industry. It is just that the circumstances let rocket-rocket internet to channel its attention and focus to the internet industry. The founders were simply at the right place and at the right time when they were starting to come up with business ideas. The place they were in during that time and they still do until today is a place that many technology insiders call as the Silicon Valley of Europe (of course in reference to the original Silicon Valley were the Steve Jobs and the Bill Gates of the computer industry first made their marks) and the time was the year 1999 a time when the dotcom bubble was about to blow up which turns out to be very positive for the entire internet industry. The kind of business backing that lazada has enables them to compete and completely dominate the industry.

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