Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Beautiful Videos Recorded via iPhone

Many mobile phone makers are continuously developing cell phones to make them an all-in-one gadget that would serve users in many ways. It’s really amazing how the one simple mobile phone was used for making and receiving calls and now, it does more than that – from internet surfing to video recording. Speaking of video recording, phone cameras have also improved overtime. Many people have captured great videos through the latest mobiles like the iPhone. Want to see some? Here are the ones I found:

The Great Batanes Travel Log Montage HD by user TheStudioGino used an iPhone5 to capture the beauty of Batanes. His edits and music complemented the video well.

Here’s a cinematic video using an iPhone and the Luma app. It highlights the features of the video editing app.

This video Butterfly Metamorphosis shot with iPhone 4S | iPhone Films Ep1 by earthtouch is breathtaking. The storytelling is also phenomenal. It’s also educational. Go ahead and watch it!

Got your own amazing phone-recorded video to share? Post the link in the comments section below! Hope to hear from you soon!

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