Monday, October 21, 2013

Lazada Brings Out its Top Gun: Lazada Mobile Application

Put out your phones and start downloading the newest installment of Lazada Philippines’ long list of tricks up its sleeves for 2013. It now has joined the mobile media sensation launching its official mobile application exclusively available to all Android cellular phone users. It is a feature that has been long overdue given its high market value. An official declaration that e-commerce is here to stay and is capable of entering any industry it sees fit to make it to the top.

It is kind of a no brainer when asked if downloading any form of application today is practical considering the million number of people with smart phones capable of doing so. It’s the convenience of being able to do whatever you feel like doing at any time of the day and actually being able to do it. The internet and technology that comes along with it gives is so much power hence control over what we do. And apparently it has been leading us to online shopping because it certainly broke records as it reach an $8 billion mark in estimated sales last year through various e-commerce transactions.

Rocket Internet, a multinational online venture builder is known also for being the producer of Lazada Philippines’ affiliate, Zalora. Although each are distinctly different from one another, both ventures have made a remarkable impact on the local e-commerce industry in the Philippines. Lazada Philippines also coexists with other counterparts in Southeast Asia comprising of Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia. And due to its undeniable success, companies outside Southeast Asia also took notice of the great potential it has. It currently is in partnership with various investing companies that accumulated over $100 million. Interestingly, it’s only on its way to its second year in business and already it has received notable reviews both from critics and customers.

It has showed progress all throughout its existence that is apparent in both its services and products. Its items are meant to be at its lowest making it a local favorite to shoppers who just can’t seem to get enough but have very little money to spend. It has over 20000 items on its site from different brands and a huge percentage of that receives daily doses of discounts. Its services as well have made its customers loyalists. Services like the return policy, customer hotline, payment methods, shipping and delivery are just some of the reasons why it is the best of its kind.

Ultimately, it comes down to customer satisfaction. And Lazada has definitely focused all of its energy into creating an avenue for not just customers to enjoy but for aspiring entrepreneurs to have a channel that can reach out to a nationwide coverage. Because it has a backbone as experienced as Rocket Internet, it has become a powerhouse that is considerably one of the best online shopping sites at works today. With very little history to brag about, it was able to consistently able to follow through with its promises and even go beyond what was expected of it.

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