Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Lazada is the Best Online Shopping Mall in More Ways than One

E-commerce is without a doubt becoming more influential by the minute giving Filipinos not just a more convenient method for shopping but also providing multiple jobs with decent paying salaries. Besides the abundance in product choices provided for us from the comforts of our home, e-commerce centered businesses have helped the economy’s growth in more ways than one.

And like all strong trees, it must start small. But for some, replanting an already growing tree with a strong foundation increases the speed of its growth. Rocket Internet created a venture that online enthusiasts would enjoy all over Southeast Asia. Lazada currently stands tall in the mainlands of Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. But because it already has Rocket Internet’s guidance and a long line of successful ventures from the said company as basis, the challenge of fully establishing its roots to a foreign country did not get in the way of its now commendable success.

Lazada currently holds the title of being the Best Online Shopping Mall for 2013 according to the Golden Globe Annual Awards. A prestigious honor that not a lot of e-commerce websites or companies can claim was once theirs. As a company with very little to work with knowing that only a small population in the Philippines actually considers shopping online as a first choice for a method for purchasing goods, Lazada with no hesitation created a whole new breed of online shoppers loyal to its quality of service. Now, over its official Facebook page has over 1, 000, 000, 000 followers all gained in duration of only a little over a year.

Lazada Philippines is an online shopping mall that provides multiples shopping merchandises from consumer electronics to children’s’ toys. Surprisingly, a foreign-owned company with its top management made up of a majority of foreigners was able to formulate a website that perfectly captures the interests of Filipinos nationwide. The website is available to Filipinos all over the country made possible by its official shipping company partners, LBC and 2GO.

It has given not only convenience to its consumers through online ordering but also made its products more affordable than those sold in the public malls or markets. All products can be paid with either cash or credit card depending on the choice of the customer. Each method of payment fits a specific preference making it accessible to all types of online consumers.

E-commerce has become more than just a form of leisure. Now, even those who live far away from the city have the chance to buy whatever they want that might have been only exclusively sold in outlets in Manila. In addition to having the option to buy, they can finally do so without having to step out of their houses. The prestigious online shopping mall provides delivery anywhere in the Philippines even giving out free delivery too all purchases with a minimum amount of P1000. To say that the internet has changed the lifestyles of many would be an understatement.

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