Monday, October 7, 2013

ProFriends: What is inside Lancaster New City? Great houses at affordable prices

I really like what I have witnessed so far on Profriends’  video page. I was primarily eyeing the houses that the company is offering inside the Lancaster New City Development.  I mean they are all great. What is there not to like? Everything is awesome.
What is inside Lancaster New City/ it has elegant houses with big interiors, great location, tons of amenities more than you could shake a stick at, absolutely wide access roads and of course very affordable price point. I do not own a house in Lancaster New City yet but I know that when the right timing comes, the right woman and the right amount on my savings account takes a peek in my otherwise nondescript life then I would definitely give the prospect of buying a property the hardest swing that I could muster. I do not know squat about buying houses, the real estate industry and all the nuances and nitty-gritty of the process but I am a very artistic person with a passionate flair for aesthetics that I would know what a well-made domicile is versus a piece of you-know-what hobo dwelling like abode.

Although I wasn’t planning to head into that house buying direction yet, I decided that it is going to be quite an interesting experience to go on a tripping and trip out on the stunning pieces of habitable architecture on the Lancaster New City arsenal and examine the units in person. I want to feel the texture of the concrete walls, the tile floors, bathroom doors the driveway pavement, front lawn grass, savor the cool breeze and soak in the overall environment that is undeniably Lancaster New City. That is a very pretty sight and quite a raging, stream of consciousness assault to the senses too. I planned to do the tripping on a day that I was devoid of my corporate obligations. That state of worklessness (if there is such a term) did not just came into being on its own but rather was a direct result of my highly developed coaxing capabilities that would make the process of coercion seem puny if juxtaposed right beside it. In short I did it on purpose by filing a leave of absence. I called in sick. I was showed around the different Lancaster New City Villages inside a white van. The white van would have looked like something that was used in a heist has there not been a Profriends logo slapped on the sides conspicuously. We started off by checking out Manchester Village.

Based on what I have seen, judging from the sizes of the house models and the monthly payment that a home buyer has two pay on a monthly basis of course, it is the poshest development inside the city with Kensignton being at the bottom of the echelon. I can’t really throw in a lot of details about the materials because like what I have said I do not know stuff about houses. All I could say is that all of the houses I have seen appear to be made of high quality materials that are designed to outlast the owner.   
Investment wise I think that it is bound to appreciate in value a lot faster than any other property developments.

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