Thursday, October 10, 2013

Profriends: A complete city that stays dry even during heavy rains

Flooding is a big concern in countries like the Philippines where rainy seasons can bring so much volume of water enough to bring waist deep h20 to your neighborhood street that is why one of the first questions being asked when one is buying a house is that “is the location flood free?” Being flood free l is considered by many particularly those who have lived in flood prone areas for years as a very much sought after attribute of a real estate property. Having an address in flood free vicinity can be considered by a lot of people as manna from heaven, a blessing that people who already have it should be thankful and happy about. I can definitely understand this because we have been living in an area that has been experiencing floods since god knows when.

Flooding in our area has actually been accepted by most inhabitants as a way of life. The name of our town actually has been synonymous with flood and water. Guess where our place is? I’ll give a hint; it starts with the letter M. If you thought of Malabon then you were thinking right. You have just proved that flooding is already synonymous with the name of our place. It has been my childhood dream to get out of our town even though I love it so much and that it is a witness to all of my great childhood memories. However, I also want my parents to have a break on the endless cycle of flooding that they experience every year. I want them to know and savour what it feels like to live in a dry, comfortable environment. I want them to be happy because they are already at the prime of their lives and I strongly feel like I owe them that favour. So I being a man of action took the matters into my hands as I am the first born and the only son among 3 female siblings. So when I already have enough savings, my first mission was to buy a house. 
I first checked the details on    to get an at-a-glance look at what the company can offer. I found the Lancaster New City development. The main selling point that captured me the most was the catch phrase “full-pledge town”. From the looks of it, the company designed Lancaster to be a complete new city with all the amenities that a family might need all provided within easy reach. the amenities were great but I was more delighted when I saw on the details that the subdivision of situated on a very high location which means that it is virtually impossible for it to get flooded even during bouts of heavy monsoon rains prevalent in a tropical and humid climate like ours. I bought a modestly sized house that is large enough to shelter a family of 5 to 6 children. Well there are just 5 of us including our elderly parents so space is not really much of a concern as long as the house is comfortable and the area is flood free.

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