Thursday, October 10, 2013

PROFRIENDS: The perfect city for me

The Lancaster New City is perfect for those people who love everything to be within their reach. I myself am very much into shopping. I love going to the mall and do some good old window shopping. The Lancaster New City is so full  of surprises as I have seen on The place is over all nice and pretty much have all the establishments that you might need without actually having to drive or travel too far from home. That is what got me into buying a property in Lancaster New City. If it wasn’t for the promise that it is going to be a complete city, I would not have gone ahead and signed up for it. I am a full blown city dweller in that I like to have all the establishments all available to me, the salon, coffee shop, book store, shopping mall, specialty shops, bars, restaurants, gyms and pretty much everything should be reachable through perambulation. Although the aspect of walking to and from an establishment is a trade-off that I am going to need to live with living in Lancaster New City, that is pretty much fine with me because I get to experience nature on a daily basis and driving around the village is not that much. Now on to the amenities that the Lancaster New City can offer: 

The Suntech iPark – this is the perfect amenity in my opinion because it provides those people who are tired of driving or traveling long distances just to get to the office and earn a living. This I.T Park is the first I.T Park in the region and is poised to be the main stage for the emerging BPO workforce. The Suntech iPark is a fresh new concept in I.T park master planning. It incorporates state of the art and cutting edge technology together with the best that nature has to offer like very lush greeneries, fresh air and the overall countryside lifestyle that is not present in any other industrial estate development project. This vision was made possible by the melding of two companies that are experts in their respected fields. Those two companies are The Philippine Long Distance Company (PLDT) and The Property Company of Friends, Inc. (Profriends). PLDT of course does not need any introduction; they were commissioned by Profriends in this highly ambitious industrial estate development project to set the telecommunications infrastructure that the BPO companies will require. On top of doing the installation of the needed logistics, PLDT will also maintain and operate the telecom equipment. That is how promising the Suntech iPark is. 

Lancaster Square Mall – one of the most unique amenities that I have seen in years is the Lancaster Square Mall. I think Lancaster New City is the only subdivision that has a mall built inside its development. This is another feature that sold me into the idea of getting a property here.
They also offer other amenities like the standard clubhouse, church and the St. Edward Integrated School which they also put a different twist when it comes to the level of service they provide.

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